Neil Price
Cited In:
- Raffield, Ben , Mark Collard, and Neil Price. “Male-biased operational sex rations and the Viking pehnomenon: an evoultionary anthropological perspective on Late Iron Age Scandinavian raiding.” Evolution and Human Behavior, 2016.
- The Viking World, by Stephen Brink, & Neil Price, 40-48. New York: Routledge Press, 2008.
Used For:
Neil Price is a British archaeologist and is one of the premiere scholars in the historical study of Medieval Scandinavia. Having published five different books on Viking history, he has consistently created innovative and multi-disciplined scholarship that continues to advance the field. His most important contribution to this project is through his article with Mark Collard and Ben Raffield in which he discusses an entirely new motivation behind Viking Age raiding. In this article they convincing argume that wealth stratification and polygamy produced conditions which made young Nordic males have to seek alternative forms of employment in order to find wives. A more detailed description of his work can be found in the Intro/Historiography.