This story map, "Seasons of the Witch: Colonial British American Witch Trials (1647-1706)," created in ArcGIS Online, explores witchcraft in the colonies spatially showcasing the trials along with the established religion of each colony. Specific cases were chosen to highlight their details and the accused person's stories. Most important to notice here is the evolution of the cases throughout each decade beginning in 1640 and ending in 1710. First, the cases begin slowly and are clustered in Connecticut and Massachusetts. By the middle of the 60 years of cases, witchcraft hits a plateau before spiking in the 1690's and abruptly ending in 1706. As the heat map in the last slide shows, like an infection, witchcraft cases begin slowly and spread across the colonies that have strictly charter-established religions. The colonies with no established religion have by far the fewest cases consuming their colony.