About Me

My name is Nathan Wuertenberg.  I am currently in the process of completing a masters thesis
at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana on the influence of national identity in shaping United States Indian policies before and after the American Revolution. 

I previously completed an undergraduate honors thesis at McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland on the role of the American Revolution in the evolution of Quaker gender relations and reform movements in the early American republic. 

I have presented research on a number of topics at Ball State University, Western University of Ontario,

Click to view my personal website or click here to contact me via email.

Miami University of Ohio, Perdue University, the PCA/ACA National Conference, the Society for Military Historians National Conference, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference.

This project featured on this website is the product of an assignment I received as a student in Dr. Douglas Seefeldt’s Digital History graduate seminar at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.  The purpose of Dr. Seefeldt’s assignment was to familiarize students with the research and presentation tools associated with the Digital Humanities.  Dr. Seefeldt encouraged us to use this project as an opportunity to expand upon the research we are currently completing as part of our masters theses.  The connection between this project and my thesis is more fully explained on the “About This Project” page.