Free CSS: The Free CSS website has many CSS templates for download, which I found very useful. Using this tool also allowed me to save time in building my own template.
w3schools: w3schools is a very useful tool for learning how to use CSS. This website not only gives the "how to," but also allows you to practice coding before attempting on your own precious work.
Google Ngram Viewer: Google Ngram Viewer allows you to search word usage in literature over any given time frame. Now only can this tool aid in research, but it also useful for explaining ideas and theories.
Timeglider: Timeglider is an easy and free tool that allows you make timelines.
Voyant Tools: Voyant is a free text analysts tool that can not only give simple word counts, but can also isolate word usage in multiple documents at once.
Google Maps Engine Lite: Google Maps can allow you to map related places, as well as offers a multitude of other tools that can be used..