This project was created as a part of my graduate studies at Ball State University in the Digital History Program. Sheridan at the Reins: Changing Perceptions of the Cavalry, Sheridan, and Native Americans during the Indian Wars, 1868-1877, examines the role that the United States Cavalry played in the American West in the years following the American Civil War using General Philip Sheridan as a common thread during this time. Sheridan served as a cavalry commander during the Civil War and head of the U.S. military in the West beginning in 1869. Over this time a variety of changes were made in the military and events in the West influenced the officer's perspective and public opinion.

About This Project

Project Features


Begin with this section to find the questions this project seeks to address and explanations of the methods used.


This tool provides a longer view of how this topic fits into the bigger picture of western history, U.S. History, and military historiography.


Beginning with the life and career of Philip H. Sheridan, this section examines selected primary and secondary materials from a variety of sources to address the project's questions.


A comprehensive listing of all of the sources used in this research project along with a list of the digital tools and images of the data visualizations.